The Monthly Polaroid – #1 // I’m Writing More and Reading More

maddieblogbuttonHello everyone! Welcome to the first monthly post on my blog! It is a recap of all the books I have read this month and so much more!

If you are just jumping in, welcome and I hope you enjoy this recap!

Books I’ve read in may

Click on covers to see reviews!

Scarlet (The Lunar Chronicles, #2)

Girl Online (Girl Online, #1)

  • Scarlet by Marissa Meyer: Can I just say one word, AMAZING! Great cast, but the first book is still my favorite. ★★★★✩
  • Girl Online by Zoe Sugg: This book was so good! I was so shocked! I loved it so much and I will have to read the next book in the series. ★★★★★

Lost in the Sun

Illusive (Illusive, #1)

  • Lost in the Sun by Lisa Graff: AHH! This book was so good! If you are reading this right now, go buy it or check it out at your library. ★★★★★
  •  Illusive by Emily Lloyd-Jones: No, it just didn’t work out with me. I really hoped that it would, but it didn’t. I am so sorry, but I’m not sorry. ★✩✩✩✩

my top 3 posts

internet news

  • Harry Styles has a new style?! I’M FREAKING OUT AND I AM IN LOVE AT THE SAME TIME! You can see it here on my Pinterest.
  • The BFG and Finding Dory are coming out soon! Also, Alice Through the Looking Glass is out NOW! I WILL FIND YOU DORY!
  • A long time ago in a galaxy FAR FAR AWAY, but it happened on Earth. It doesn’t seem like a long time to me though. Our little Dylan O’ Brien got run over by a car or he fell off of a train. We seriously don’t know, but we have one clue. One, two, three, HE’S DOWN!
  • Also according to this meme, if you leave the 1D fandom they will haunt you and there is no escape. I’m kidding… or am I?


in the blogger galaxy

WHat’s up in life

  • I am writing a novel and I will tell you more about that below. I am just getting started on it.
  • I joined a reading program for the summer, so I am going to be reading a lot of books this summer. That means more reviews will be coming your way!
  • I am currently reading Insurgent by Veronica Roth. So far, it isn’t my favorite book in the whole series. I can tell you this, it is VERY LONG.

Upcoming posts

  • I am going to talk about the pros and cons of celebrities writing books even though they probably don’t have any writing experience. Did you hear that? SOME OF THEM DON’T HAVE ANY WRITING EXPERIENCE!
  • There will be more “When I First Saw You” posts coming your way!
  • I may or may not be sharing a snippet of my newest piece of writing. It is a dystopian society where the United States of America has fallen apart and a girl is brainwashed and she somehow lands in the Place of No Name. You want to know more, but I will not tell you more today. *laughs an evil laugh*
  • I am going to talk about the pros and cons of liking a book that your friend recommends to you.

What books have you read this may? any recommendations? What are you excited for in june? ALSO, HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY!

8 responses to “The Monthly Polaroid – #1 // I’m Writing More and Reading More

  1. HELLO THERE! *waves* I’m new to your blog but thanks for featuring my post ❤ ❤ ❤ OMG asdffghjklskueghj WAIT TILL YOU GET TO WINTER It's my FAVORITE of the Lunar Chronicles series YOU'LL LOVE IT.

    ALSO You're blog name? BRILLIANT. You. You are brilliant 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • HELLO! *waves back wildly* No problem! I love your posts! 😀 I AM SO EXCITED! I HAVE TO READ THE REST OF THE SERIES ASAP! Thank you so much! No, you are brilliant. *says in a British accent*

      Liked by 1 person

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